A Sustainable Planet – We Need to Educate

As an energy management professional, I am always reading terms such as “Smart Grid,” “energy efficiency,” and “carbon footprint.”  Among my peers, I also use such terms.  However, the esoteric use of such language is proving to have little effect among the masses.  Some of us are attempting to be good environmental stewards, but let’s face it – most of us are energy hogs.

I say this to illustrate a point, and it is not my intention to be judgmental.  The fact is that public-interest institutions and organizations have to do a better job in delivering a value proposition to the average citizen.  Utilities have to engage consumers in ways that encourage them to embrace behavioral modification that results in energy conservation.

It is imperative that local governments develop communication plans designed to engage citizens in substantive ways that make them want to recycle.  I live in a small suburb of Cleveland that offers weekly pick up of recyclable material (cans, glass containers, plastic).  Yet there are only a few of us on my entire street that voluntarily place their recyclable items curbside.Surely, a community of educated and professional people knows better.

The fact is poor messaging results in a lack of awareness in any community.  All schools should integrate environmental and energy literacy into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) curriculum.  Religious institutions need to align spiritual messages with principles of environmental stewardship.  Every level of government should have someone who ensures that we meet our growing energy needs without compromising our planet.  In addition, this person should lead effective public education and awareness campaigns.  It is also about time that utilities develop hands-on tactics that enable customers to save money while reducing energy consumption.

The point is that we need to leverage those with existing political and social capital to drive home the message.  We have to educate, and then reinforce what’s learned.

From your preferred position, let us advocate for a sustainable tomorrow.

Making Season’s Practice More Visible!

Season’s Practice, a Middleburg Heights company that “provides healthy minds and bodies for women at every season of life” has retained Visibility Marketing to help make them “more visible.”

Some of Season’s Practice’s services include: Adult ADD/ADHD, Caregiver, End of Life Support , Easting Disorders/Body Image, Marriage Counseling, Military Families, Parenting Issues, PMS, Sexual Issues, Post Abortion Loss and Grief.

Continue reading Making Season’s Practice More Visible!

Cleveland Bridge Builders Celebrates 10th Anniversary…

…..with Advertising Campaign

I’m excited! Our company isn’t the only one celebrating a decade of success.

Cleveland Bridge Builders (CBB) is launching an advertising campaign to celebrate their Flagship Program. Yours truly is one of ten alums selected to tell their story! The ads foster community awareness about the positive impact we’ve made in the community after participating in the program.

If you haven’t heard of CBB’s Flagship Program, it’s a 10-month leadership development and civic engagement program for rising civic leaders. It seeks to identify, educate and channel rising leaders into effective civic engagement. We participated in highly interactive curriculum with individual leadership assessment, small group discussions, presentation from community leaders, team projects and a review of best practices in leadership across sectors.

Continue reading Cleveland Bridge Builders Celebrates 10th Anniversary…

260 Ways to Be More Visible

For the tenth anniversary of Visibility Marketing Inc., we’ve compiled a list of 365 260 ways to “be more visible.” They are quick and easy.  Nothing hard.  Nothing new.  It’s only a matter of incorporating the old Nike tagline philosophy “just do it.”

We started out with 365 but then realized, why work them on the weekends?  We’ll just give them enough for Monday through Friday and let them rest and play the other two days.  Now, if you’re really ambitious we can have that conversation.

So, if you want to be “more visible” just do one of these a day.  Or, you can do one of these for 5 days, or 25 days.  If you get bored with one, choose another. It’s all a matter of working it until it works.

Now sign on to Twitter and follow @BeMoreVisible to get your visibility for today.

No More Black Beans and Rice (It’s Gumbo Now)

The deep psychological wounds of slavery cannot  easily be measured, but the evidence of the superior race mind-set is ever present.

As America’s pot becomes gumbo rather than black beans and rice, everyone has to learn to accept and welcome the positive changes diversity brings. Not only do we now have an African American running our nation, but minorities are at the helm of some of our great businesses and institutions. Many minorites and some in the majority accept what is, because from generation to generation we have not known otherwise.

A recent incident brought the necessity of diversity education home. For nearly one year I attended job-related meetings at which I was the only African American. One meeting I could not attend, so I asked a co-worker to stand in for me.

Imagine my surprise when she returned, exclaiming how nice and accomodating everyone was. She was beckoned to sit with the hosts and made to feel like a “sorority” sister – gestures of acceptance, acknowledgement and appreciation I had never experienced.

At first I could not quite understand why my emotions were on a roller coaster. Then, it dawned on me. My color prevented me from being in their “club.” I could not join because I did not look like them.  Maybe  even deeper than that – they were uncomfortable with me. In their world I don’t exist. I am invisible.

The days of  “black beans and rice” are over. The numbers of Latinos, Asians, Native and Arab Americans and other ethnic groups are growing. Therefore, diversity education is necessary. By making entire races invisible, we are shortchanging our schoolrooms and boardrooms of their talents, time and treasures. We have to try to learn and understand the history, cultures and souls of those who are different.

There were two lessons learned from this incident. One, I was used to being invisible and ignored. I didn’t recognize it until it was blatantly brought to my attention. Alienating others was their way of life – their actions went unrecognizable to them.

Two, I now have a better understanding of what Jesus meant when He said, “…love your enemies. Do good to them…Then your reward will be great and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” (Luke 6:35 NIV).

The attitudes and actions that have brought the need for diversity education to took hundreds of years to create and may take just as long to eradicate. We must be patient and continue to seek change with love. We may not see it’s full manifestation in our lifetime. Maybe our great-grandchildren will.

Touched By a RAK

The year was 1998 – I was touched by a RAK. I even wrote about it in Kaleidoscope magazine. It was in the early days of the Internet when we didn’t have to worry about Spam or phishing. Not many people were on the Internet back then. Since I had an AOL account, the only people I connected with were on AOL.

One day on April 9th I received an email from a stranger. Which was quite rare in those days. It simply said, “You don’t know me. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. You’ve been hit by a RAK… “Random Act of Kindness.”

The email threw me. Since he was also on AOL, it wasn’t hard to figure out how he got my email address. I emailed him back to thank him. He said that’s what he does…thinks of various ways to perform random acts of kindness.

Continue reading Touched By a RAK

Learn Entrepreneurship from the Princess

My six-year-old daughter and I had the opportunity to preview Disney’s latest princess movie, “The Princess and the Frog.” Princess Tiana, the first African American princess created by Disney, works hard to save money to open a restaurant in New Orleans. Unlike other Disney princesses, Tiana is not interested in waiting “someday for her Prince to come.” She makes sure her life’s happiness does not depend upon anyone else – including a Prince.

It’s refreshing to see a Disney Princess story line that shows a woman does not have to  lie  in wait for her rescuer. Tiana is enterprising. She knows what she wants and seeks out the people who will help her get it. Even if it happens to be a Prince.

Continue reading Learn Entrepreneurship from the Princess

Why the Tiger Should Have Roared

The first rule in public relations 101 is When In Doubt, Say Something!

When Tiger Woods’ Cadillac Escalade hit a fire hydrant and a tree in the wee hours on Black Friday, the 33-year old golf phenom decided  to take the vague route when asked, “What happened?” He didn’t even bother to answer the police.

A note to all of you who want fame and fortune: If the media comes after you and asks questions you don’t want to answer, answer them anyway…or at least tell them when and what time you will talk to them.

When you say nothing, the public and the media begins to speculate. You don’t want that to happen. You want to stay in control and when you don’t talk, the media has the upper hand.

Tiger posted information on his Web site. But that may have been too little too late. The media has already gotten into the public’s minds. The rumors started to fly through the air before Tiger could swat them with his nine iron.

“His wife caught him cheating and ran after him with a club,” “She knocked his window out trying to knock his head off,” “Tiger was raised by a black man who always told him never to hit a woman, so he fled instead.”

These are all speculations.   We won’t know the real answer to what happened that day. Unfortunately the rumors will continue to fly.

Until the Tiger decides to roar.

Just for Your Safty

That’s just what I saw in an ad in big, bold letters, sprawled across my computer. “Just for Your Safty…” I could not read beyond the word “safty.”   My first thought was, “Hmmm, that typo is huge! How did it get past the editors?”

Most bloggers, Facebook enthusiasts, marketers and people who love to write, don’t have editors. Editors check your words before you put it out there. They make sure that your audience will understand what you say and that your message  makes sense. They are the ones that, if you’re writing about our nation’s safty, what the audience reads is information about their safety.

No one is perfect. That’s a given. But when you’re putting your stuff out there for all the world to see, make sure that it’s tight and it’s right. Have someone look it over. Ask them to proofread it for errors – typos, sentence structure, dotted i’s and crossed t’s. After that person reads it, give it to someone else.

I once worked at a major newspaper. In our department we wrote classified ads. The nature of our job was to type as fast as we could what the person on the other line dictated. One of our biggest fears was to leave the “l” out of the word “public.”  Guess what? Our fears were often realized.

One way to proofread spelling is to read the words from right to left instead of left to right. Most people miss words because they know what they wrote, so they skim over the words without truly reading them. But when someone else reads it, they see, “all there money was lost,”  and “the dogs were baking all at once.”  Spellcheck can’t check this.

The best of the best make mistakes. The challenge is to make sure that you at least do all that you can to not make them. If you do, at least you can say that you covered all the bases. It’s for your own writing safety.

Kelly Chapman – New “Great is Your Grace” CD

Get Kelly’s New CD!
On iTunes, Zune & Everywhere Music is Sold

Please help spread the “Word!” Call or email:
*Your Local Radio Stations (request “Taste and See” or “Excuse Me While I Get My Praise On”)
*Your Local Book and Music Stores
*Your Friends and Family (simply forward this email)
…and tell everyone about the new project!

If you liked Kelly’s CD Real, the you will love Great is Your Grace!
Purchase Great is Your Grace at

Check out Kelly’s Pre-Release Concert Videos on MySpace and Facebook!

A portion of the pom/roceeds from the sale of “Excuse Me While I Get My Prise On” are donated to The New Orleans Mission. Please support the ongoing efforts to help the victims or Hurricane Katrina – buy now!

Click here to hear Kelly’s interview on BlogTalk radio.

It’s All About the Information

Cuyahoga County is building a new Juvenile Justice Center. As you might imagine, the idea did not sit very well with a lot of people…especially the residents where this mammoth center is located.  Why? Well, let’s just say that a justice center for youth may remind people that they failed the children. It also reminds them that there’s a lot more work to do.

Visibilty Marketing Inc. is designed Tower of Change – a newsletter about the project which keeps the 3500 residents imformed. Most importantly Tower of Change answers the question WIIFM?

Since the building is in a predominantly African American neighborhood, the residents want to make sure that African Americans were represented on the project. In each Tower of Change issue readers will see: ~~People living in the Fairfax neighborhood and working on the project
~~Career opportunities and profiles
~~Mentoring relationships
~~Construction tidbits
~~Promises made and promises kept 

Here’s a sample of the first newsletter. Let us know what you think…


Why Men Kill The Ones They Love…Personal and Professional Reflections

In his latest blog, Jewel Woods writes:

My mother is a wiry-thin black woman who – soaking weight, with rollers in her hair and wearing a pair of roller skates – only weighs about 110 pounds. My father, on the other hand, was around 6 feet 2, 220 pounds, a former Golden Gloves champion, and a ex-Marine. Therefore, as a child, I simply could not picture what it was like for a man, particularly this man who appeared to be a giant to me, to hit a woman, let alone my mother. But he did.

What makes a 34-year-old man, walk into his estranged wife’s job, douse her with gasoline, and then set her on fire? What makes a 28-year- old man go on a shooting spree, killing 10 people including his mother?

Read More… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jewel-woods/why-men-kill-the-ones-the_b_174545.html