Cuyahoga County is building a new Juvenile Justice Center. As you might imagine, the idea did not sit very well with a lot of people…especially the residents where this mammoth center is located.  Why? Well, let’s just say that a justice center for youth may remind people that they failed the children. It also reminds them that there’s a lot more work to do.

Visibilty Marketing Inc. is designed Tower of Change – a newsletter about the project which keeps the 3500 residents imformed. Most importantly Tower of Change answers the question WIIFM?

Since the building is in a predominantly African American neighborhood, the residents want to make sure that African Americans were represented on the project. In each Tower of Change issue readers will see: ~~People living in the Fairfax neighborhood and working on the project
~~Career opportunities and profiles
~~Mentoring relationships
~~Construction tidbits
~~Promises made and promises kept 

Here’s a sample of the first newsletter. Let us know what you think…
