Want to Know How to Make Your Clients Happy?
Include them in your business.
If you’re like me, not only do you have clients, but at times you are a client. For this reason, it’s not too difficult to have some idea as to how to make your clients happy. A good starting point is as a client, what would make you happy? Sure, what makes you happy may not work for someone else, but in general, it’s a start.
Ten Tips for Making Your Clients Happy
- Timely acknowledge your clients’ emails and phone calls. Even if you cannot provide them with the answer at that moment, respond that you received their email or call and let them know you are working on it.
- Periodically call your former clients to see if there is anything you can do to help them. This may trigger a need for your services.
- Send copies of interesting articles you think your clients would appreciate. Include a hand-written note. That personal touch is rare and slowly becoming obsolete.
- Create a “client spotlight” on your website to highlight and promote your clients. They will appreciate the acknowledgement.
- Hold a free seminar or workshop for your clients on a subject you think will be helpful to them.
- Send a survey to your clients asking them for tips or suggestions on how you can make your business or services better.
- Create a calendar to give to your clients and prospects. Include key dates and/or tips.
- Include client testimonials on your marketing materials.
- Update and recirculate past articles. Information that is useful is never outdated.
- Hold an open house. The ideal location is at your office. However an offsite event will still serve the purpose for a great networking opportunity.