climate changeThere is so much talk about climate change that it sometimes makes my head spin. The pros and cons are everywhere. Some say it’s just a farce, others say we’d better start building bunkers in which to hide and store food.

It seems that over 60 percent of Americans now believe that over time, human actions are causing global warming. The spate of natural weather disasters are influencing this opinion, according the the fifth annual Sense & Sustainability Study.

The study indicates that 48 percent of Americans found water scarcity to be a concern. Media coverage of extreme weather events is a big influencer. Even if Americans are not immediately affected by storms, the news about hurricanes and droughts can evoke fear and concern.

While an increase in climate change awareness is happening, it needs to be higher. Last fall, leading scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced they are 95 percent confident that human influence is the dominant cause of global warming. The IPCC states that the last three decades have been warmer at the Earth’s surface than at any other decade since 1850.

Storytelling is effective strategy to make climate change relevant when addressing issues of sustainability and social responsibility. Companies need to take note, as only 21 percent of those surveyed said they believe the majority of businesses are committed to being “green.”

If you’re concerned, why not find a space to get busy “spreading the word.” You can begin with your closest family and friends…and by being an example.

Together, we can save the planet for future generations.