Early in my business career, I met regularly with two women business owners. I was not yet where they were, but I knew that someday I would own a business. There’s a saying, “Fake it until you make it,” which means continue to believe and act like what you want has arrived and it eventually will come. It did.

As my business grew, I realized that I needed to take better care of me. Since I am goal-focused, I decided to enter a fitness contest. In order to compete, I had to make sure I put the correct foods in my body and work out daily. I watched my body transform. I also felt as good as I did in my ‘20s.

Taking better care of me also included having very little contact with negative people, that includes in both your business and personal life. You can’t control others, but you can control yourself. If there are people in your life that bring you down, keep your distance. It’s futile to try to change them. The only person you can change is yourself.

Exercising and eating correctly are but two ways I reduce stress. Another is to stay grounded spiritually. In addition to following Christ, I also read the works of Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Singer, Bruce Lipton and others. Taking time out of the day to allow my spirit to be quiet, listen and learn to move to a higher level are ways that I maintain focus, period.

I love the car commercial I recently saw that stated, and I’m paraphrasing, “We have a small rear-view mirror to glance at where we’ve been, and a large front window to see everywhere we’re going.”

Serial entrepreneur Jen Groover offers advice on how to get the mental clarity you need to stay at the top of your game as an entrepreneur.

To maintain your mental clarity, she suggests:

  • Make your health a priority
  • Get rid of the things and people that drain your energy
  • Read books, surround yourself with positive people
  • Eat right. There are foods that can elevate your energy.
  • Work out.

Listen to Jen’s advice in its entirety here. Let me know what you think.