
The Internet has changed everything. Not only do we have information at our (literal) fingertips, but now, we’re all writers.

From Facebook, to Twitter to blogs, people who have never considered themselves writers, are writers. If you are starting (or have) a blog, how can you write to make sure it gets read?

Write Relevant Content

It may be tempting to write about your brother’s dog, but if it doesn’t relate to your site or page topic, leave it out. Web readers want information, and unless the page is information about said dog, they really won’t care, even if it is a good metaphor for what you’re trying to say.

Put Conclusions at the Beginning

Think of an inverted pyramid when you write. Get to the point in the first paragraph, then expand upon it.  People don’t want to have to read page after page to get to the meat.

Write Only One Idea per Paragraph

Web pages need to be concise and to-the-point. People don’t read Web pages, they scan them, so having short, concise paragraphs is better than long rambling ones.

Use Action Verbs

Tell your readers what to do. Avoid the passive voice. Keep the flow of your pages moving. I was always taught to limit or eliminate “to be” verbs and replace with “is,” “am.”


Use Lists Instead of Paragraphs

Lists are easier to scan than paragraphs, especially if you keep them short.

Limit List Items to Seven Words

Studies have shown that people can only reliably remember seven to ten things at a time. By keeping your list items short, it helps your readers remember them.

Write Short Sentences

Sentences should be as concise as you can make them. Use only the words you need to get the essential information across.

Include Internal Subheadings

Sub-headings make the text more scannable. Your readers will move to the section of the document that is most useful for them. Internal cues make it easier for them to do this.

Make Your Links Part of the Copy

Links are another way Web readers scan pages. They stand out from normal text, and provide more cues as to what the page is about.

Proofread Your Work

Typos and spelling errors will send people away from your pages. Make sure you proofread everything you post to the Web. If you can have someone else proofread before sending. If you can’t do that, wait a few hours. Your eyes will be fresh and may pick up mistakes otherwise missed.

If we’re all writers, it’s best to write right. Take care to provide the best content and format which will increase your chances of repeat readers.