
‘Tis the season for gift-giving and showing appreciation. How will you thank your clients this year?


A traditional way to thank your clients during the Holidays is to mail a card. What type of card you send takes a lot of thought and sensitivity to your client base’s culture and beliefs. Not everyone celebrates Christmas; some clients might be offended if they receive a card that references Christmas. “Holiday Greetings” is safe: it covers all holidays. Also think about the tone of the card. Not all clients have the same sense of humor, so keep that in mind when considering the tone.

 E-cards or postal?

A card sent through the mail can contain a personal note as well as your signature, leaving the recipient to appreciate that you took the extra time to acknowledge them personally. They will feel valued by your company.

E-cards are quick and inexpensive to send, and there’s no postage to pay. The drawback is that they can’t be personalized like one sent in the mail. They may get missed in their email inbox. While there is a cost savings, consider if what you save will yield the same dividends a personal message will. Decide which has more value both for your company and your clients.

Donate to your client’s designated charity or donate on their behalf
You can also consider supporting a charity. You can often find a charity they support on their website. If donating on their behalf, choose one that all your clients will appreciate. If a client is a nonprofit, consider donating to them. Put a line in your email signature that you’ve made a gift to XYZ charity and a link to the charity’s web page.

Host a client event
You don’t have to plan a large party. A thank-you lunch for treasured clients can be enough. Meeting for coffee is another cost-effective option. A client whose time is tight and has been hard to pin down during the year may welcome a one-hour lunch or coffee. Take advantage of the extra time they might not have in the New Year.

 Send a gift
Never underestimate the power of even a small token of your appreciation. Use the same tactics that are outlined above in the card section. Find something appropriate that sends the correct message. Pastries, books or gift cards to their favorite eateries are safe choices.

It’s “thank you” time. How will you show your clients that you appreciate them? Please share it with us.

Happy Holidays!