Writing a Powerful Sustainability Story as a Key to Effective Marketing

marketing sustainability as a story

Those of us who have more than one child know that to reach one may be quite different from how we reach the others. One size does not fit all. It’s the same way when communicating with your customers.

“Green” consumers can also be called “desirable” customers. They’re early adopters, 24 percent of the U.S. population, shop more frequently than most, are loyal to brands, and pay more for those brands. They also care about a company’s social and environmental story. How that story is told can turn them into customers.

Even if a company is sustainable, how they tell their story is what can make the difference for customers. The story needs to connect with their target audience. Distilling all sustainable practices into one main story will be one that aligns with the brand and taps into what their market cares about.

Speak about how your sustainability efforts contribute to the quality of your product. There will be a disconnect with the audience unless you craft the story to align with your brand’s market and corporate culture. When it does align, you’ll attract loyal, desirable customers.

At Visibility Marketing Inc., we help our customers close the gap. It’s not easy communicating to various audiences. We all have our filters. It’s our job to help you align your message, speak to your customers – not at them, and eventually turn them into loyal consumers.

Those consumers will spread their loyalty to those they touch. With social media, they can touch thousands.