Advanced Energy and Smart Water Management Services
Spearheaded by Todd Q. Adams, chief officer of sustainability and innovation, energy technology veteran and expert in sustainability, Visibility Marketing can help realize measurable results by offering our clients:
Advanced energy and smart water management services that include:
- Communication planning and development for Smart Grid and Smart Metering.
- Organizational change management and Business Process Transformation for Smart Grid
- Management consulting services for Advanced Metering Infrastructure initiatives (AMI).
- Customer engagement strategy development for home energy efficiency initiatives.
- Facilitating public awareness and community education forums for advanced energy and smart water management initiatives.
- Program management for water conservation campaigns
- Targeted messaging and customized customer outreach strategy development for diverse demographic groups.
- Business and system integration consulting for energy management and water management.
- Technology program and partnership development with education, research, and policy organizations.
If you are considering a major advanced energy or water management initiative, VMI can help you strategize, deploy, or communicate your messages to the right audiences.