Using Public Relations for Success in Content Marketing

PR and content marketingThe public relations world has changed dramatically since I entered the field. The tactics practitioners use have moved to a new frontier. The word “content marketing” didn’t even exist then. Now, it’s one of the best ways to communicate to vast audiences.

Public relations can include online and offline activity to improve communications and build relationships with audiences that matter to business. Public relations is still vital at building strategies that have an impact on driving website traffic, generating leads, increasing sales and enhancing customer loyalty. Here’s how an integrated public relations strategy can lead to content marketing success:

  • Building a media database with business publications, blogs and trade journals. You can track the organization, phone, email, social media profile link and areas of interest. These contacts can be managed in your marketing team’s customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • Utilize editorial calendar information. Traditional print publications publish editorial calendars with topics they will publish throughout the year. Look for topics that align with the content in your campaigns.
  • Pitch story ideas to your media database.
  • Evaluate the associations and organizations in your network that have expansive reach. This should include your LinkedIn and Facebook organizations. Consider collaboration and distribution of your content through their events, emails and websites.
  • Speaking engagements. Find opportunities for your staff to speak at industry events. Discuss relevant topics from your content marketing with the target audience as a way to showcase your company’s credibility and expertise.
  • Submit your content for industry awards. It can extend the life of a content marketing program and extend your reach to new audiences.

These are just a few ways to manage the audiences to whom you wish to communicate. Try one or two and let me know what you think.