How the the New YouTube Comment Policy Affects Businesses

youtubeSince everyone has an opinion, I like to read what’s on their mind. There are times, however, when I am shocked, surprised, disappointed and in awe of what people have posted in many comments sections.

Google, which owns YouTube, recently took steps to control viewers’ comments. This move makes YouTube a more positive environment for businesses.

According to the new policy, users must open a Google+ account in order to leave comments. While there has been some backlash due to some brands experiencing fewer comments, the policy is still positive.

Mean-spirited comments proliferate with the wholly anonymous nature of postings. YouTube experienced the most negativity, ahead of blogs but behind sites like Tumblr, according to a report from Adobe.
Some negative YouTube commentors terrorized many brands’ campaigns.  Companies then shied away from the platform as a result.

YouTube expects the new policy to bring companies back to their platform to promote their goods and services. To get the most out of YouTube, businesses need to engage with their audience and a friendlier comment culture will make it much easier. Negative commentors who often spurred more negative comments are less likely to sound off without total anonymity.  When they don’t have a platform to spew their negativity, brands can focus on their genuine fans.