States Need to Follow California’s Lead in Smart Energy and Water Management

california energy

When the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was experiencing a high point, many people were agitated that water was being wasted. Those not living in water challenged states like California may not have understood what all the fuss was about. “It’s just a little bucket of water!”

The state of California launched a statewide education campaign, “Energy Upgrade California”.

Its goal is to allow citizens to manage their energy and water use, while saving money as the state meets its climate goals. To educate Californians, the campaign utilizes social media, advertising, its website and community outreach.

Households and small businesses will learn about the state’s energy and climate policies and find ways to become more efficient in managing energy use. Steps include using smart strips for standby power, replacing lightbulbs, using smart thermostats and monitoring home energy use. Water saving is also a part of the campaign, with education that includes information about low-flow showerheads.

Reducing water use is more important than ever for Californians, with hot weather and this year’s reduced snow pack. California has one of the most energy-efficient economies in the world and it aims to meet their energy and carbon pollution reduction goals in just over five years.

While “a little bucket of water” may not be a lot to some, to those challenged with water and energy consumption, education is key.